Jobs for a growing South African youth base

According to Statistics South Africa the official unemployment rate in South Africa is 25.6%, a mammoth quarter of the economically active participants in our country. The rate among youth lies between 45% and 60%, depending on which source you consult. Low skills and lack of opportunities lie at the heart of this cancer affecting our young people. Numerous personalities indicate that entrepreneurship is a possible alleviator of this massive scourge on our youth. True as that may be, we need to take a long hard look at the reality before pushing for reforms with minimal chances for success. One of the most crucial resources an entrepreneur needs to have is a working knowledge and experience in the area in which he/she wants to start and grow a venture. Our youth currently does not have the required experience to go out and start businesses, they mostly lack the networks required to be secure deals and if they do, there is often lack of capacity to deliver on the contract. ...