La bête noire l'esprit d'entreprise

I recently read an article in the Financial Mail on Tito Mboweni and his take on black economic empowerment as it stands today. Common Stock Certificate To a large extent, I fully agree with Mr Mboweni's stance on how BEE has come to be conducted, both bad black and white partners have made a noble concept very disingenuous. Having read this article, I find myself feeling quite distraught. According to the article - Tito Mboweni, the ex central banker of South Africa was declined a number of funding requirements to start various businesses. This was unfortunately not the part that distressed me - his assertion that giving security or collateral for a business loan, where you put up personal wealth is a fools errand. "I said you can’t pledge private wealth for business. They are two separate things. What we have here is a radio licence; if it does not work, you take the business. "No-one will seize my private wealth. They think I am a fool," says...