30 Lessons learnt throughout my life

I recently celebrated my birthday – a great milestone for me. Looking back at my life, the dreams and goals I had set as a child for this auspicious date. I was more surprised by the lessons learnt than the ticked and unticked items on my list. I would like to share the 30 great lessons I have learnt in as many years. 1. Always have FAITH in GOD and the awesome ABILITIES HE has given you . 2. “I love you” – these words were always uttered by my mother, she remains the greatest driver in my life. Love is so important in life. Now as a parent, I have learnt how selflessly one can love. 3. “Inyathi ibuzwa kwabaphambili” (Wisdom is learnt from the elders) – I have always understood, for you to achieve anything ask those who have done it before you. I always endeavoured to look for mentors who have achieved goals similar to what I want ...