
Showing posts from May, 2017

A New Economic Requirement

For the South African economy to grow, absorb youth in employment and be internationally competitive - a great focus needs to be put in a handful of industrial areas. South Africa is arguably the greatest country on the African continent - a beacon of hope and a model to be looked at and emulated, taking a moment to discard any political influence, South Africa needs to look at areas where we have a natural or achieved competitive edge. 1.     Tourism What a country we live in, if the 2017 Tourism Indaba, is anything to go by, we have a rich diversity of areas to visit. All our 9 provinces offer something special, are attractive and more importantly, unique. Each offering something the other does not and something that it can build competitiveness on.  Tourism in South Africa accounts for less than 5% of the GDP. Reportedly offering a little over 1 500 000 jobs.  Conversely, tourism in the Southeast Asian countries can account to well over ...

The plight of the black entrepreneur

To start off - I am not advocating feeling sorry or making excuses for my fraternity - we are capable, dynamic, innovative and unfortunately in dire short supply. Politicians constantly advocate for job creation and of late - black industrialists and that most exquisite of meaningless drivel - Radical Economic Transformation (RET) Transformation based on taking from one to redistribute to others has no foundation in a society that wishes to continue after that handover. As history tends to - it will repeat, under a different guise but will essentially be a taking from the perceived to have; to be given to a yet undisclosed "not haves". For RET in any measure to occur - simple access to the economy needs to happen. Economic development and participation needs individuals who are driven to be given space to do what they deem valuable as seem from the study of a viable market, identified and with a willing buyer to pay for that service or product. Let me make an example - if Aun...