First Days...

Human nature is so fascinated with first days, new years, etc. And I don't claim to be any special or different.  This morning I had such an interesting experience - my son who is now 1 year and almost 2 weeks, just started his first day at day care.

A huge step for this young man, a step I am sure he is not aware of, but as his parents it symbolises so many things. Time is moving, he is growing up, we are getting older, and he is gaining independence.

Time is moving
Though we occasionally hear it and know it and arguably have said it on numerous occasion, it still does not hit home as it should. Time is not standing still. Do all you have planned to as early as possible. Travel, start a business, do that course you have been thinking of but have put at the back of your mind - for tomorrow you will not be as you as you are today.
Seize each days opportunity.

 My son is growing up
I always tease that I have more than one child, my physical son who tires me out daily, as we play like crazy when I get home. And my other children  all the businesses I am involved in and have responsibility towards. Both are important, not equally but important. They both give me great job and they both under 3 years. infants in the world, whom I nurture and in return nurture me too.

I doubt anyone is ever ready to have a child, but if you have passion for it, it all seems to work out. There is also never a great time to start a business or embark on a dream. Just do it, just do it, it will all work out.

We are getting older
Daily I am astonished as to how I continually evolve, mature and realise my place in the world, what is important to me and where I would like to be.
Age and growing up seems to be granting me wisdom. That goes doubly for my wife, her development as usual is light years ahead of mine.

My son is gaining independence
As young as this man is - he is constantly testing his abilities, today he will try to climb onto the couch, find that he can't - undeterred he will have the passion to climb again tomorrow and the next and the next till he gets it right. this a tenacity I admire and wonder if we were all born with it and gradually lose it due to the corruption on this world.
My son is fearless, enthusiastic, loving and forgiving - where did we all lose those great qualities.

Getting back to starting new things - to kick of this new year, my resolution is to live life without fear - live with audacity in order to achieve great things. With small daily progress, one can move great mountains.

As we left him behind, my wife starting crying, the sweetest sight I have ever seen - a mother's response to leaving her child behind at school and realising that now, he is well on his way to being his own person.


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