Maturity requires development

Over the past few months I have been thinking at length on the appropriateness of the name of my blog.
Initially, being called “My thoughts, ravings and ideals” was apt, for it was just ideas and thoughts I had and wanted to pen down. Like a sort of diary that I can one day look back at and reminisce.

As I am growing up, and maturing, I have realized that I would like to write more on issues I have a passion for – though I claim not to like politics, it does interest me and I will continue to write a little about it, from my perspective.

My essential focus will be on entrepreneurship and its effect on communities – my experiences and lessons learnt.
And due to this narrow focus, a requirement for name change. After pondering for some time, the most appropriate name for the blog, I could find is: “Whispers of an entrepreneur”.

Reason for name
These are essentially anecdotes from my life, on subjects I have researched, experienced or debated about.
These are my whispers to myself and anyone else who is willing to take the time to read.

Key areas in entrepreneurship
I would include my personal favourite subject – family business. This area of entrepreneurship has captivated and interested me since boyhood. As I deal with one day (hopefully) handing over my work as an entrepreneur to my son, the lessons I learn on the way, will ensure that the hand over is successful and he is able to grow whatever little I hand over to him.

Other areas will include, start-ups, something I have some background and experience in. Marketing, branding and exposure – as I learn new tricks daily. And finally, investing.

Raising funds is part and parcel of each of the subject and will thus not have its exclusive category.

Where to from here
I hope that my new focus inspires a potential entrepreneur out there, equipping that person with knowledge and insight into pursuing your dreams.

Happy reading everybody and thank you for taking the time to read, what is largely my ramblings…


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