Alive with possibility

The Republic of South Africa is the greatest country on earth - great people and massive potential.

Where else in the world could a village boy grow up to be one of the greatest symbols of forgiveness and reconciliation the earth has ever known. A states man and founding father of a new type of society.
South Africa - the country without a name, but a geographic designation is apt in its name, it should offer direction and lead for the African continent.

This country has given rise to some incredible sporting talent, innovations and medical breakthroughs. We have had and continue to produce great leaders in business, industry and science.
We boast a country with biodiversity seldom challenged by other countries and melting pot of racial diversity bubbling with ideas and desire for progress.

Unlike most - ours has been a dark history, a history we have not fully faced and found ways to coexist with. The shame of our past keeps on visiting us in present. Through our violent nature, disregard for laws, human abuses and lack of inclusivity.

We are a young nation trying to box at a weight class greater than we have prepared for. 

South Africa is rich with entrepreneurs in all spheres of society - from political entrepreneurs to social, medical pioneers and industry.
We dare to dream and make those dreams a reality. We dare to rise against injustices and overcome them as a collective. 
We dare to hope and live in faith for a better country where we all can live as equals and in harmony. Where each can have their turn under the sun and live according to their ambitions, hard work and talents.

We are a nation of 12 official languages looking to speak as one on the best way to develop and grow our small country, to redress the wrongs of the past and not repeat the injustices we committed before.
Wether Sepedi, Afrikaner or Xhosa - 
whether Koi, Tswana or Indian - 
whether English, Zulu or Coloured, 
Whether Tsitsonga, Vhovenda or Sotho - we all have a place under this African Sun.

It is thus imperative that we unite as citizens of this great nation, to better our country and improve economic conditions for all. 
If not us, then who?


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