Leadership - an entrepreneurial perspective

Globally there seems to be a fundamental lack of leadership, lack of business leaders, political leaders and effective community leaders.

Leadership has become such a misaligned and undervalued characteristic - this is visible in the amount of corporations that have been found guilty of fraud, corruption and collusion. 

What a time we as South Africans have lived through - Madiba changed the fate of us all - he led us like no other leader in the history of our country and laid a legacy of inspiration we are yet to take up.

Leadership in its basic fundamental is the serving people who make up one’s sphere of influence. 

Never has there been a time that people have desired to become “leaders” as what we find today. 
The past decade has introduced us to a sector long thought and believed did not exist. 

A grouping that has sought positions of leadership within government and in communities -not to be an influence for the better but to position as a Bastion for narrow and self-interest. 

Being a leader is not a right to impose your power on others, but is a calling to serve and influence the world for the betterment of others.The greatest honour one will have is to be a leader to a people, a community, an organization or a family.

It is an honor based on servitude - where one needs to have the courage to let your own desires and emotions be set aside in the pursuit of ensuring improvement for those we lead.

Leadership requires full and unwavering control over one's emotions. An ability to think clearly and not abuse your authority. 
To lead is a calling and not the apex of carrier building in order to gain personal rewards.

As a nation, we come from a very dark past - so many wrongs, human rights violations and atrocities by one race on another have defined the foundations of our past.
A past we grapple with daily. 
A past that is with us, with a devastating effect on the potential of black people as a whole. A past that has ensured that poverty has a racial classification and wealth highly concentrated around another race.
Social cohesion is a foreign concept to us as a country - our lives and lifestyles having too great a contrast, but it behooves leaders to bridge these divides and help chart a path to cohesion.

By our very nature, we as people follow leaders due to an innate requirement to follow. The 5 percent of the population who are determined to be entrepreneurs need to also understand the fundamental requirement for them to also develop their skills in leadership.

Development and growth of our country and young democracy depends on our united outlook on a future that we can share. Entrepreneurial leaders play a pivotal role in growing companies that will drive the economy and generate the require level of job opportunities to push back the tide of a 27.7% unemployment rate.

The role of government and politicians in general is to allow each person the chance attain success according to their own desires, skills, talents and ability. 
Ensure rule of law and get out of the way of people engaging in transactions and business to grow this country.

As we enter a new phase in our democracy where people from all walks of life, are uniting to show dissatisfaction in the leadership of the current administration. We need to take the time to think of what kind of leaders we are looking to replace the current crop we say we have no confidence in.
South Africa is for all who live in it, it is not a party, but a collective of people who have hopes and dreams to have grow and develop according to their desires.

This is a time we should all remember VIVA South Africa. Let us all unite to make this country great.


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