Gratitude - The value of being thankful

During the past weekend, I got reminded of the things I am thankful for; a kind of taking stock of what is important as well as the journey that has led to this moment in my life.

Praying hands
Cleaning my cupboard I came across old business cards of lives I have lived and responsibilities I have had.
Some were challenging, others simply infuriating but in all the positions and jobs I have had, valuable knowledge was accumulated, experienced gained and lessons learnt.

My latest journey has been the most challenging, coinciding with my responsibilities as a husband and father - I was no longer able to take on the major risks of the past, risks that made me well off as well as broke me in more ways than just financial. Though a little wiser and more risk averse, I have taken a few gambles with some disasters and triumphs – effects of which were exacerbated because of my young family. The lows became so much more bitter and the highs were duly needed.

As the husband, I am required to put food on the table. Now the game of enterprising is played for keeps.

Having a family forces one; at least it did me, to think carefully of the implications of every decision - the effects on bottom line, family life and career prospects – yes, I think of career prospects.
By being an entrepreneur does not mean one does not climb any corporate ladder, it's just a different type of ladder built, one built on a sterling reputation in business, corporate success and partnerships made over the years.

Speaking to a new acquaintance - I related the story of how I got to today. Regaling him on stories of the dark days - where I did not know if I was coming or going. Not sure where the next meal will come and unable to understand the future I would like to have.

This period also made it very difficult to see the power of God at work.

Being constantly demoralized, sad and with little prospect.

These are unfortunately the stuff that makes you an entrepreneur; the harsh lessons to learn and the stuff of legend.
This is what makes you appreciate every day, appreciate the support of family, friends and colleagues, and most importantly, appreciate the hand of God in carrying you through.

“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough” ― Oprah Winfrey 


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